
Oops, he did it again ...
Once more, Julius Bürger won a best poster award, this time at the Spring Meeting 2024 of the European Materials Research Society EMRS in Strasbourg. The poster was headlined “Quantitative measurements of atomic electric fields by STEM differential phase contrast imaging” and co-authored by Maja Groll and Jörg K.N. Lindner. It gives a survey on the visualization of atomic electric (Coulomb) fields in nanomaterials by means of the emerging new experimental technique “differential phase contrast imaging” (DPC), which exploits the unprecedented high-resolution power of state-of-the-art scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM). The poster describes possible pitfalls in the application as well as ways to circumvent them, along with applications of STEM-DPC to InAs quantum dots. The price consists in a document together with a small amount of money and is sponsored by Wiley Publishers. The whole NNP team congratulates Julius!